Muslim Day at the Capitol 2023!
MashaAllah, our largest MDAC gathering to date. We visited with 12 representatives and senators at the State Capitol yesterday. We discussed education, Arizona’s water crisis, discourse on Islamic values, and what our expectations were from our legislators! Appointments were made for further meetings, resources shared, and invitations to visit our local mosques!
We had over 70 participants join during the day, and InshaAllah the work will continue and grow. Thanks to all the Reps and Senators that came to hear from their Arizona Muslim constituents.
Representative Jennifer Pawlik, Rep. Priya Sundareshan, Rep. @Patty Contreras, Sen. Mitzi Epstein AZ Legislator, Senator Juan Mendez, Representative Athena Salman, Representative Flavio Bravo, Rep. Keith Seaman, Rep. Leezah Sun, Sen. Christine Marsh.
So glad we had folks from Islamic Social Services Association – USA (ISSA-USA), ICNA Relief Arizona, United Islamic Center of Arizona UICA, Muslim American Society – Arizona, CAIR-Arizona, and Arizona Cultural Academy & College Prep with us, along with many many community members.
(Soruce: Arizona Muslim Alliance)